Tiffany Provence Tiffany Provence

How Does Your Work Fit Into Your Overall Life Purpose?

I hold a picture of an event I attended some time ago which holds great meaning to me. The occasion was Frank and Dorcus' diamond wedding anniversary 💎 celebrating an incredible 60 years of marriage! To add to the celebration, Frank was also marking his 80th birthday 🎂 and the event was hosted by their children. Although there is so much to write about Frank and Dorcus's long-lasting marriage, I'd like to focus my comments on Frank, who has become one of my unknowing life coaches.

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

3 Things You Need To Do To Avoid The Elephant Of Retirement Regret

I’m currently reading the book, Die With Zero, by Bill Perkins. This book is a revolutionary game changer that upend our traditional ideas of retirement, later years in life, and even the choices we make right now. He argues that it isn’t necessary to accumulate wealth or save for retirement; instead, we should focus on creating a life of meaning and purpose. The big idea in the book is that we need to die with as close to zero monies as possible at the end of our life.

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

Is It Time To “Tune Up” Your Ability To Have More Meaningful Conversations?

I love my old truck. I’ve had it since 1990. The paint is faded, a cheap seat cover hides the years of wear, and the a/c hasn’t worked in years. It has a five speed manual transmission so I get to be a (very) active participant in the whole driving process.

Like my old truck, I believe we have often parked our face-to-face communication skills in favor of…

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Tiffany Provence Tiffany Provence

How To Reignite The Passion Of Your Disengaged Team Member

If you're a plant parent, you know the heartbreak of seeing your once-thriving plant just… kind of sitting there. You remember the early days, when it was shiny and the growth was steady, but now it seems like it's just taking up space. This describes my Fiddle Leaf Fig. After a couple of months, it just stopped thriving. And then the real decline started - it started losing its leaves, and I couldn't help but think it was disengaged or unmotivated to grow.

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

The Ramifications Of Tasks Left Undone And 4 Strategies To Increase Productivity

Ever wonder why you seem to have a tougher time focusing when you have several things going on at once? The scientific/psychological reason is connected with what is known as the Zeigarnik Effect. Merriam Webster’s definition of the term is: The psychological tendency to remember an uncompleted task rather than a completed one.

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

Seven Laws Of The Harvest Followed By Successful Leaders

As I write this blog, I am looking at a row of American Arborvitae Lisa and I planted three years ago. The evergreens have a beautiful pyramid shape and as of today, only three of the 49 we planted have died. I should be happy with my “harvest results”… but I’m not. They aren’t tall enough! And it’s my fault. I violated Harvest Law #2: You harvest the same thing that you plant.

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Tiffany Provence Tiffany Provence

Grow…Grow…Grow…Your Leadership With These 3 Nutrients

What type of ‘fertilizer’ do you think I need to use to get them moving?”

It was the somewhat sarcastic question from a participant after I finished a recent keynote presentation. They were alluding to my comments about successful leaders having the attitude of a gardener. 🌿

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Tiffany Provence Tiffany Provence

How An Uncanny Challenge With Instagram Gave Me 3 Important Leadership Reminders

Instagram is the social media platform I use for fun. It's a chance to connect with people on a more personal level. I do post some thoughts related to my work, but it's not the primary reason I spend time there. I enjoy seeing what's going on in the lives of others and celebrating those moments by liking or commenting on their posts or stories.

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

16 Daily Choices That Can Help You Thrive NOW!

I love being asked questions that make me think deeply about myself. So I was thrilled when in a recent podcast interview the host said, “What are three choices you make each day that have contributed to your success?” The hard part was limiting it to three. I thought about exercise, my morning quiet time, my daily walk with my wife, and even my choice to do intermittent fasting.

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

5 Ways You Can Use Your Time Like Money

In a CNBC article a couple of years ago, it stated that over 61% of Americans had “getting out of debt” as their number one goal. Number 2 was to “max out their retirement accounts,” followed by “negotiating a raise,” and “starting to invest.”

I smiled as I reflected on those goals because the same thing could be said about how people use their time. They want to reduce their sense of overload (debt), plan for the long term (retirement), use their time in more valuable ways (raise), and get a better return on how they use their time (invest).

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

23 Things To Quit In 2023 For Better Work Life Success

Quitting. I’ve always been fascinated by the emotion that rises up within me when I hear or say that word. I know part of it comes from my childhood when I quit my first thing… middle school football. I’ll never forget the discomfort I felt when my coach saw me at school after I had not shown up at practice for a couple of days and he asked, “Did you quit football?” I felt like the most worthless person as he nodded his head slowly and frowned at me.

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

Looking To Manage Your Time Better? Check With Your Emotions.

If I were to ask you about your best technique to wisely manage your time, you would probably share a routine you follow at work or home. You might start listing tactics like “Do the hardest task early in the day,” or “Only check emails three times a day.” I’d be willing to wager you wouldn’t say, “I manage my emotions well.”

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

The Four Letter Word That Can Fix The Quiet Quitting Problem

I’ve been intrigued by the term “quiet quitting” since I first saw it earlier this year, but had never really done a “deep dive” into its origins, causes, or potential solutions. I must admit that I had actually discounted the validity of the idea because it got its initial boost into the mainstream from a Tik Tok post. A Tik Tok post…Really?

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

Five Mistakes Made By Leaders Who Are Too Busy

To be clear, being busy isn’t a bad thing. Busy, according to Merriam Webster, is defined as engaged in action. We certainly want leaders who have the desire to take action to cast vision, grow their team, and help their organization achieve its goals.

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

How To Be Done With Work Each Day And Really Mean It!

Which scenario sounds more like you?

The Always On. You come home from work (or leave your remote work area), looking forward to some time away, but you continue to check messages throughout the evening. You start the next day feeling like you never really left work at all.

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

The 4 Types Of People You Need On Your Leadership Team

Have you ever sought advice about a leadership challenge from a friend, only to feel like their answer was lacking? Do you sometimes find that talking about being burned out doesn’t seem of interest to your colleagues at work? Are you frustrated at work because the person you report to isn’t modeling effective leadership principles?

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

Seven Work Life Reminders From My Daughter’s Senior Trip

In May, the Loflin family (minus one) headed to Hawaii. The occasion was to celebrate the upcoming high school graduation of our younger daughter Sydney. My wife Lisa and I made the decision many years ago that when our girls were nearing their graduation date we wanted to take them on a senior trip. We have three goals for the journey:

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

Why Improving Mental Health Has Become A Priority For Me

May is mental health awareness month. If you had told me that seven years ago, I would have looked at you and said, “Okay,” and carried on with the normal course of conversation. Even though I have long spoke about the importance of having healthy levels of physical, mental, and emotional energy to make the best choices with your time, I had never given much thought to the “mental health” part of that equation.

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