Do you Know the Cost of Interrupted Work?

You know the type of days where you are super focused on an important task, making immense progress, and then all of a sudden, WHAM, you get interrupted and feel completely derailed? While we’ve all been there, it’s certainly not our preference and going from productive to sidetracked is frustrating.

Whether someone comes into our workspace, the phone rings or all of our devices seem to be in some sort of notification frenzy, we can easily lose focus due to an interruption. I’ve often wondered how long it takes to get back to the task at hand, after being disrupted, with a high level of productivity and did a little research.

Getting Back On Track

The University of California Irvine Study found that it takes 23 minutes and 15 seconds to return to the level of focus you had before the interruption. (And yes, you read that right.) I found the information interesting while a bit of a shock too.

While disruptions are costly to your time and productivity, it can be worse because the following may ensue as you try to refocus.

You’ll potentially be:

  • More frantic

  • More in a rush

  • More mistake prone

  • More likely to produce a lesser quality of work

There are all kinds of costs associated with the dilemma of work interruptions. Now, let’s talk about ways to manage or juggle those elephants that creep into our productivity.

3 Suggestions Include:

Create The Environment

What would it take for you to work with less distraction? Brainstorm on this concept and find ways to create an environment that enables you to truly focus. Do you need to put up your devices? Is your location the right spot? Do you need to wrap up something communication wise in advance? Is coffee close by? (Ok, maybe that’s just me.) Regardless, think about what environment you need to create in order to optimize your focus and reduce interruptions.

Use The Pomodoro Technique

Try something like the Pomodoro Technique which encourages you to set a timer for certain tasks and ultimately set boundaries in your schedule. In other words, you decide to focus on a particular task until the timer goes off and then at that point allow for an internal or external interruption. Think of the focus that could be maintained as you get things accomplished.

Recover More Quickly

If neither of these ideas works for you, then try to recover more quickly from interruptions. I know, easier said than done. However, give yourself a break:

  • Don’t jump right back into work

  • Stand up for a moment

  • Take a few deep breaths

  • Briefly do something that helps you relax

If you try and give yourself a breather, then you’ll be quicker to regain focus and get back on track which is crucial to staying focused on your work.

Speaking of Interruptions…

During this current COVID-19 era, people are working from home more and many have figured out that it’s difficult and at times the interruptions seem to run rampant. If this describes your current situation, check out my recent article on how to make working from home successful. (Trust me, it’s worth the read before you deem your family permanently expendable.) Interruptions are tough, but they can be overcome!

Consider these suggestions as you work this week. Note the time and cost of interruptions and don’t allow yourself to get so derailed. Manage it, handle it, and conquer it - you’ve got this!


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