4 Essential Time Blocks To Add To Your Workday

Workdays can be such a blur and, if you are like me, there are days that you may leave work feeling like nothing of real value got accomplished. Maybe your attention was scattered in so many different directions that your focus was too diverted to get things complete. I’ve certainly been there and want to share some ways to utilize time blocks effectively in order to get more done each day.

Time blocking is a simple way to manage your time better. It literally gives specific tasks a place in your busy schedule. You become equipped to limit your distractions and even work faster because you have “allowed” a specific amount of time to focus on something that matters. Time blocks are a great way to get the RIGHT things done at work each day. After all, we all want to be less busy and more productive. See if these four time blocks may help you be more effective as you work to get your most important things done at work daily.

4 Necessary Time Blocks For The Workday:

1. Strategic Time Block

A little strategic thinking goes a long way and forward motion is better than being stuck in a rut. This little gem of a time block allows you to consider your goals and even those of your team. Ask yourself, where do you want to be a year from now or three years from now?

Take some time to read an article about trends in your industry or topics that may pertain to your organization’s future. Whether you choose an article, podcast, or a coffee break with someone to discuss a future opportunity, make this time block a priority. You’ll feel more equipped to look forward strategically, even if you aren’t able to physically move forward in that exact moment.

2. Administrative Time Block

Administrative tasks are inevitable. There are always those little things or details that require our attention each day. My goal is to set a time block for those administrative tasks so that I can mentally throw things into that time slot. I’m freed up to work on other responsibilities and know that there is a plan in place to accomplish my administrative duties. I’ve found that I’m more efficient in completing those types of tasks because I give them a block of dedicated time to complete.

3. Email Time Block

While I won’t suggest that you only check your email once a day, I will say that giving it a much needed time block would be beneficial. Devoted time to this necessary task allows you to truly process your emails rather than speed read. Further, you have some allotted time to put them in folders or organize them as you see fit. The ability to find them later with ease will free up your time. Try and be meaningful when it comes to your email as it is a critical part of every workday.

Recently, I read an article about how we should be using email as a productivity tool and it explained some common email mistakes. My favorite tip is to utilize clear subject lines! This time block can be used to the fullest when we use email productively.

4. Relational Time Block

Don’t feel the need to “go this thing alone.” A relational time block is both helpful and important. It allows you to schedule in time to connect with team members and even build deeper relationships with them. In fact, consider spending actual time with them during this block of time to help create a stronger team and relationships that will last and make a difference.

Try out some of these time blocks this week in order to get your most important things done. Give yourself “permission” within your schedule to do specific things, freeing up your time rather than getting lost in a series of to-do lists. Block out some time for the essential and you’ll see a difference!


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