Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

Optimize Work Life Overload With The Power Of Intentional Inflexibility

When we talk about a lack of work life balance, or stress, or burnout, one of the things we are actually saying to ourselves is that we feel like we have no control over the outcome or over our future. It can feel like the line between work and life has blurred into one big, overwhelming blob.

It’s time for a reframe and it's called Intentional Inflexibility. See why it works.

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Jones Loflin Jones Loflin

7 Irrational Tips To Help You Conquer Your Overload

I laughed out loud as I saw the request. I had signed up to receive a series of emails to help me achieve my goals. I subscribe to several of these services per year. While I don’t always follow every strategy offered, I usually find at least a few ideas that can help me personally and that I can pass along to others. That morning’s email, however, did not deliver a tip I planned to follow. What was it you ask? To drink half of my body weight in water in one day.

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