4 Ways To Jumpstart A More Productive Day

Let’s face it, we all want to be more productive and extremely efficient in our work. So how does one pull off that kind of productivity? Do you jump into your daily tasks with reckless abandon while throwing caution to the wind? (Ok, let’s hope not.) Maybe you take a more low key approach and simply consult your calendar for your potential next steps. It’s worth asking, what would help you get into the right mindset for a productive day? I’ve got a few suggestions and hope they help you too.

4 ways to jumpstart a more productive day:

1. Take a moment and read something

For me, there is something action-oriented about standing up for a few minutes after I get in the office to read something like an article or even my calendar. (Preferably, with coffee...) I’ve found that taking this time is relaxing, purposeful, and gets me in the right zone for the workday ahead.

2. Try to avoid meetings first thing in the morning

Work to give yourself a meeting free morning for at least the first 30 mins in the office. While that decision may be out of your control, if you can keep that time for you, then it will pay off as you try to plan your day. No one likes to feel behind the moment they walk in the door due to a scheduled time commitment. Often when you start the day with a meeting, you end up feeling like you’re playing catch up for the rest of the day.

If you keep that initial time of the day to yourself, then it helps your day to look like it should look to you rather than on what others think it should look like. After all, who wants to start the day feeling like “they survived another meeting that should have simply been an email?

3. Start something and finish it

I like to pick a couple of tasks that only take about 10 minutes to complete so I can knock out a few things quickly. The goal here is to get some things done while giving yourself a sense of accomplishment early in the day rather than feeling like you are losing in the struggle of too much to do.

4. Get into an attitude of gratitude

Starting your day with a fresh, positive perspective will likely infiltrate the rest of it. I like to get into an attitude of gratitude from the beginning of the day which helps both my productivity and relationships with others too. Consider starting your day by sending a thank you email or card. Another idea is to go find someone that you appreciate and let them know why. This effort will make a huge difference in your day.

Increase your productivity with a morning plan that allows you to take a few minutes for yourself, avoid meetings as you walk in the door, complete something early in the day, and exhibit an attitude of gratitude. Try these ways to jumpstart your day into productivity and enjoy the benefits that follow.


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