7 Gifts You Need To Give Yourself This Year

One of the commercials I find most humorous this time of year is the one that suggests the best gift you can give yourself is a new vehicle. Don't get me wrong. If you need a better car or truck to get life done, I am in your corner. I love talking about cars. And if any of you are feeling exceptionally generous, I promise I wouldn't turn down a shiny new car in my driveway (after all, my daughter Sydney did turn 16 last month).

What the commercials do for me is initiate my thinking about what gifts I could give myself. The wish list starts with the usual items: electronics, power tools, specialty coffees, etc. "But I don't need any of those things," my minimalist brain reminds me, "Those are things you want." I return to my reflection and soon find that the things I need in my life aren't things at all.

What about you? What are you thinking would be the best gifts to give yourself? As you ponder the possibilities, here are seven I hope you choose to put under your metaphorical tree this year:


You put yourself under such tremendous pressure to get it all done. You want everything to be perfect. It's exhausting isn't it? And you're finding that in your struggle to get everything done there are LOTS of important things that aren't getting done. My advice? Start showing yourself more grace by finding real answers to questions like:

  • What am I willing to fail at so I can succeed at what is most important?

  • Where do I need to have the attitude more often that "Done is better than perfect?"

  • What are some places in my work or life I need to say "No" more often?

Loving Critics

I was recently introduced to the work of Tasha Eurich. One of her suggestions for improving yourself is to become more self aware by bringing "loving critics" into your life. People who aren't afraid to speak hard truths to you because they want what is best for you. Over the past three years I've intentionally brought a number of such people into my world. From health, finances, and parenting to marriage and business, they have made me a better person in countless ways.


One of the most impactful books I ever read was Margin. In the book the author writes, "Margin is the gap between rest and exhaustion, the space between breathing freely and suffocating. It is the leeway we once had between ourselves and our limits." And it's something you probably have very little of in your life. It's in this space, however, that you are free to reflect, wonder, dream, relax, and explore. How could you begin creating more margin in your life?


In a mentor coaching session, my mentor challenged me to "be more curious" when working with my clients. It made such a difference, not only in my coaching effectiveness, but also in my mental approach to my own challenges. Instead of allowing fear to hold me back, I can take a few steps forward to explore the possibilities. Where do you need to be more curious?

Time Outdoors

Of all the strategies I know to help me reset, none come close to simply stepping outside. The fresh air, the beauty, and the ability of things in nature to adapt to ever-changing environments always renews my energy.


A key contributor to your sense of overload is a lack of order. Always responding to the urgent or failing to plan your day or week leads you to feel like a victim of your circumstances. Creating daily habits and routines that address your highest priorities give you a sense of clarity and confidence about where your work and life are going.

An Attitude Of Gratitude

Worry often dominates your thinking when you are trying to focus and be productive. Using the filter of gratitude as you go about your day helps you have a more positive approach, seeing possibilities instead of just a huge mountain of tasks to conquer.

As I finish my list, I need to add a disclaimer so I don't get nasty responses from all my friends in the automotive industry. If you need a new vehicle to make these gifts work in your life, by all means, go buy one! And if you do make a purchase, stop by my house... my wallet and I LOVE riding around in someone else's new car.

May you have a blessed, relaxing, and meaningful holiday season!


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