Your Pyramid For Progress In 2021

Happy New Year!

With the beginning of the new year, you know that you’ve already started thinking about your GOALS, DREAMS, RESOLUTIONS and more; all those things that we get so excited about setting in the beginning of the year, and then we begin to lose that excitement by the time January is over.

But what if there’s a way to keep that resolution momentum going all throughout the year? Rather than depending on how you’re feeling today toward keeping your January resolutions, have you considered putting a process in place that will help you develop the new habits and routines to achieve success in your goals? One fantastic approach is the Pyramid Process.

Pyramid Process

The Pyramid Process is a foundation of the building blocks it takes to make your goals attainable. Let’s work our way down the pyramid by starting with:

Dream Goal

The Dream Goal represent what you truly hope to accomplish. This is where all of your time and effort has lead up to. Here is where you dream big. Dreaming big leads us to our next level:

End Goal

In End Goal, the focus is about those things you want to have by the end of the year. What product? Something you want to create? Something you’re wanting to have? Think of End Goal in terms of numbers: 1 of this, 3 of these, 4 of those, etc. End Goal leads to the larger block:

Performance Goals

Performance Goals are those things you’re going to do to ensure that the End Goal can be successful. What are the things you need to do or perform? What do you need to add to your daily routine or take away from to helps your End Goal be met? An example in my life, one of my Performance Goals this year is to read an hour a day. But to make my Performance Goal happen, I need to focus on the bottom of the pyramid:

Process Goals

The Process Goals is the biggest part of the pyramid. It forms the foundation for the success of everything else. As John Maxwell says, “The secret of your success is found in your daily agenda, the daily routine.” If you’re going to spend time anywhere in planning for success in 2021, spend more time in this bottom block. Focus on how you’re going to conduct yourself each day to make sure your Performance Goals can happen, so that your End Goal can happen, which means you’ll accomplish more of the Dream Goal that you’ve set. Going back to my Performance Goal example of reading an hour a day, my Process Goal is to set aside 30 minutes in the morning (from 5:45 to 6:15) to read, and then another 30 minutes later in the evening. With Process Goals, it is important to look at what you can do in an honest light.

For example, dedicating a solid hour block to reading may be too challenging to keep up in my daily schedule, but by breaking the time into two 30 minute segments, one right at the beginning of the day, and one at the end, this makes reaching my goal much more attainable.

It is important to note that the key is to use the whole pyramid. Start by thinking big with your Dream Goals. What do you truly hope to accomplish? What will you want to look back at next January and say that you succeeded at in 2021? Once you have that Dream Goal in mind, work your way down the pyramid. What are your End Goals and Performance Goals? Let those help you focus on the Process Goals, the foundation, the steps you’ve set in motion that will fuel your resolution momentum, moving you away from if you feel like working toward your goals and into succeeding at what’s important to you this year!


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