Minimizing Chronic Indecisiveness

If there's one thing that can derail productivity and achieving the goals we have set for ourselves, it's indecisiveness. We should gather data, seek counsel from others, and explore our options, but then it's time to act. Any moment of hesitation can result in loss of the opportunity of the moment or physical, mental, emotional, or even financial resources that are available now-and may not be later.

If you are finding that your success is being hampered by your unwillingness to take action more quickly, try a few of these strategies to minimize your chronic indecisiveness:

  • Think of how others are being negatively impacted by your indecisiveness.
  • Ask yourself what resources are available now that won't be available later.
  • Reflect on how much time and productivity you are losing each day as the impending decision constantly creeps into your mind as you attempt to focus on other tasks or activities. You may want to actually record how many times a day you think about the decision-the results will amaze you.
  • Look at taking action as a way to gather more information for making a bigger decision.
  • Tell someone else about your struggle (Hint: Don't seek out someone who you know will support your indecisiveness-seek out someone who can be objective and is goal oriented).
  • Identify the worst case scenario if you take action and you make the wrong choice. Be honest with yourself about the remote possibility that things would turn out that way.
  • Create a strong, clear, sensible picture of a positive outcome with your choice. There's a reason we look forward to going on vacation. We have painted a positive picture in our mind. We need to do the same with the desired outcome of an action we plan to take.
  • Memorize a quote or phrase that reminds you of the need to take action. My favorites are, We make a decision and then we make it right, and I chose and my world was shaken. The choice mistaken; however the choosing was not (Sondheim).

As I write these suggestions I smile because I suffer from chronic indecisiveness as much as the next person. However, I am realizing more than ever that time is too precious and inner peace too important to fret about decisions that need to be made once I have the information to make that decision.


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