Why Isolation Is Not Healthy When You Feel Overloaded

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Between conferences, events, and one-on-one coaching sessions, I’m honored with the opportunity to walk alongside and assist those dealing with stress overload and burnout. I am truly grateful for the chance to encourage others with resources and techniques to conquer those challenging times in life.

The feelings of burnout simply weigh people down, making them feel less motivated. To define, burnout is the exhaustion of your physical or emotional strength usually as a result of an elongated period of stress, irritation, and dissatisfaction.

While people don’t want to experience an overload of stress, they typically won’t take action to resolve the issue. The phrase “it just seems like everyone is busy these days” can be overused as an excuse to explain one’s current situation.

Something I’ve frequently noticed is when people struggle with enormous stress they tend to isolate themselves from others more often. This is the wrong approach if the goal is to conquer, overcome, or manage the vicious burnout cycle.

I see three dangerous consequences of isolating yourself from others when you are feeling overloaded:

1.      You begin to doubt their abilities.

During moments of stress, we feel frustrated and overwhelmed. Those types of feelings make us suffer from self-doubt when it comes to our abilities. We begin to wonder if we have the right skills to succeed. Choosing isolation means you won’t have anyone to encourage you through a difficult time, and you will bear the weight of immense pressure alone.

2.      Isolation limits your options to move forward.

Isolation separates you from the help and wisdom of those who care for you. If you don’t have the perspective of family, friends, or coworkers, then you limit yourself from forward motion. Others can speak into your life with objectivity which is crucial in order to see things from a different angle. By being present with others, you will have ability to shift your mindset and perhaps shake off those feelings of overload.

3.      People begin to neglect the good things that they do have in life.

Succumbing to isolation means people begin to neglect the good things in life. We all have abilities, options, and people that we need to surround ourselves with and celebrate. Cling to those people and opportunities that will offer freedom from isolation.

Be sure to recognize any feelings of overload and take action quickly to remedy the situation. Refuse to isolate yourself. If you are experiencing burnout, seek the help and input of others. You will appreciate a support system that spurs you onward to success.



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