Focus On The W-I-N To Build Resiliency

One of the things I’ve been focusing on a lot lately is resiliency, and how to build it in both myself and in others.  It is such an essential tool in our toolbox in this season of uncertainty.  "Resiliency is defined as the ability to effectively cope with, recover from, or adapt to, changing life situations."  Those ‘changing life situations’ can affect our work-life balance, our productivity, our stress level and so much more.  But how do we go about building resiliency? 

One strategy that I’ve begun using centers around focusing on the “W-I-N”.  W-I-N stands for, “What’s Important Now”?  What’s really important to you? Where do you want your focus to be?  Where do you want to invest your time and energy? 

But what about when life feels overwhelming?  When you are juggling so many elephants between meeting deadlines, personal health, time with family and friends?  The W-I-N strategy can easily be applied by asking the question about each of the “3 rings” I talk about in my book, Juggling Elephants.  When you’re feeling overloaded, stop and ask yourself:

“What’s Important Now … for my work ring?”  Is it clearing your inbox?  Meeting a deadline?  Leading your team?

“What’s Important Now … for my self ring?”  Is it sticking with a new routine?  Getting more rest?  Allowing yourself to enjoy some downtime? 

“What’s Important Now … for my relationship ring?”  Do you need to focus on your family?  Make time for friends?  Check in on a loved one? 

Applying this strategy to each individual ring will help you maximize your time and generate more focus on what you want to accomplish.  By using the tool, What’s Important Now, you can become more resilient, and more able to recover from or adapt to, changing life situations. 

May you win, by focusing on the W-I-N!


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