My Word For 2015

One alternative to New Year's Resolutions I am seeing more this year is coming up with a word or words to guide your actions and decisions. The word should help clarify choices you make, and have the end result of improving some aspect of your professional or personal life.

I didn't choose a word for 2014, but if I had chosen one it would have been "build." Last year I created a more user friendly website, made a major shift in my social media focus, and began developing a new series of keynotes and training programs built on the idea of "going green."

For 2015 I want to "elevate" my work and life. Some quick thoughts include:

  • Elevating the impact I have with audiences and clients
  • Elevating my workout routine to improve my physical fitness
  • Elevating my level of focus on writing and developing content
  • Elevating the quality of time spent with my spouse and two daughters

I've already taken action on elevating my workout routine by signing up for a 5 mile run (Krispy Kreme Challenge) that takes place in mid-February. As I engage in other activities this year, I'll start by asking myself, "How could I elevate this experience or the results I am getting from this experience?" It's not about making major changes, but rather small adjustments.

I still have my goals and resolutions for 2015, but having a word or two to give me direction seems like something of benefit as well.

What word would guide you to a better place in 2015?



Improving Written Communication Skills-Guest Blog


Before You Leave 2014