What "T" Do They Need From You Today?
While attending a donors banquet for North Carolina 4H last night, the leader of the organization (and a personal friend), Dr. Marshall Stewart, thanked the donors for giving one or more of the "Three Ts" to the youth. These three Ts could also be easily translated to what people around you need on a daily basis to improve their performance-or simply to brighten their day. The Three Ts are:
- Time. The most precious gift any of us can give to others is our time. Who needs a few minutes with you to work through a touch challenge or just to have a sounding board? Maybe they are feeling isolated in their struggles, and would be buoyed by a call, email, or even a personal note.
- Talent. You don't want to push yourself on someone who doesn't want your assistance, but what skills do you have that could be of benefit to someone around you? And remember to be persistent in your asking. Most of us don't want to admit that we need help. After 2 or 3 times of making the offer, we realize they aren't just saying it to be nice and genuinely want to help.
- Treasury. While we all have too much stuff in our lives, a small gift can make a huge difference in boosting someone's spirits and letting them know they are valued. I keep a number of Subway Restaurant cards in my desk drawer, and when I want to boost someone's spirits or offer a simple thanks, I send a short note along with the card. Big Speak Speaker's Bureau, one of my amazing partners, sends a $5 Starbucks card when they send payment for a program I have done for them. I smile when I get the card, and again when I use it. The possibilities are just endless.
Whose work or life could you improve today by offering one or more of the Three Ts?