Make Their Day In A Small Way

Sunday morning I was traveling home with my family from an extended trip involving a 12 hour plane flight. We had missed our connecting flight on Saturday night due to weather, had to get a hotel for a few hours and then fly home Sunday. Needless to say we were tired and just ready to get home.

After getting through security at JFK we found the most refreshing surprise. A Delta employee was giving out carnations to all the women traveling through the terminal as a gift on Mother's Day. His smile and simple words, accompanied by the flower, were just a pleasant addition to what had been a tough previous 24 hours.

All of us need encouragement and a positive word in these days of overloaded schedules and hurried lifestyles. The amazing thing is that it takes so little to offer a lift to others. Just looking someone in the eye and giving a "thank you" can be enough to help someone see they are making a difference. Giving specific praise about how the actions taken by someone have made a positive impact on your day might be just the encouragement they need to keep moving. And when you make the effort, don't be surprised to find that you, too, are encouraged by what you have just done. As one of the proverbs says, "He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." The employee giving out the flowers at the airport was having the time of his life letting every woman who passed by know that their life mattered.

How could you surprise someone today with a word or deed of encouragement or thanks? And if you think they don't need it, ask you? 


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