The Dangerous "d" in Change

You've made the case for change, shown others a desirable outcome to be experienced, and shown them the path to make the journey. If they still aren't willing to engage in new attitudes or actions, perhaps it's the "d" they keep adding to the word "change." And as my friend Alan Kaniss reminds me, people aren't necessarily averse to change, but they don't like being changed.

The idea connects strongly with my thought that change has to be cultivated within an organization and not forced, driven, or simply led. All the best practices related to change are necessary, but the goal should be to help them to see the benefits of change and how they can make the journey instead of the purpose of telling them that what they are doing is inadequate and they (and/or their skills or work habits) need to be changed. Once they take the first step on their own, celebrate it, and continue to provide the environment where they are encouraged to take the next step.

Light bulbs, batteries and diapers need to be changed. People, on the other hand, need the vision, motiviation, guidance, and support to change.


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