How's Your Gratitude?
A friend showed me something interesting last week. They had purchased a used copy of the book I coauthored, Juggling Elephants. I had signed the book and also included an additional personal note on a small card. The most humorous part of the situation? The recipient had never opened the book-the binding was still tight. They had simply sold it once they received it.
Now, I'm not a vain person and the fact that they didn't read it does not concern me. But I do remember the individual who requested it and they made a big deal out of wanting the book and how they couldn't wait to read it. Maybe they got another copy and read it before they got mine. Let's go with that.
Unfortunately, I have probably been like this book recipient at times. I give weak accolades to someone or for something they have done, but don't take the time to show my gratitude. How could you show your gratitude to someone today-before they get the impression (correctly or wrongly) that you really don't value them-or what they do?